020 7431 3725
When not in use empty the pockets of the garment and hang on a solid shaped and curved hanger. This helps prevent distortion in the shape of the garment.
Protect your clothes from moths by having them dry cleaned (moths love dirty clothes), store them out of season in cloth bags and place a natural anti moth like Colibri in your wardrobes and drawers. Discouraging the adult moth from laying it’s larvae on your clothes can help save you from the distress of having holes in your clothes.
DON’T store your clothes in the poly robe you get from the dry cleaners as it attracts dust and can allow condensation.
When storing your clothes keep them out of the light (both sunlight and artificial light). UV light damages dyes in clothes.
Rotating your wardrobe between seasons has the advantage of stopping your clothes from getting squashed and creased. Clothes like to breath!
The main cause of wear in clothes is dirt, dust and grit that accumulate in the fabric. Regular brushing does much to prolong the life of the garment.